Saturday, 24 November 2012

Wireless Station Intimation System

Our project demonstrate one such example were Radio Wave is employed in a way which is helpful to us.This project is designed and developed for helping the passengers traveling in train and bus especially during night. The people who are not aware of the station on which one should get down will find this very helpful.Here the station name is displayed and announced simultaneously when the station is about to reach which can assist both literate and illiterate.
The RF technology is used in the project to communicate between the transmitter and receiver. Each transmitter has a unique binary code which is transmitted continuously to space in a particular range. This signal is captured by the receiver when it reaches in its range. So in the case of a train, the transmitter placed in the station is detected by the receiver in the train and the binary code is
processed to give out the station name display and audio corresponding to the binary code in the receiver. A LCD unit is used for displaying the station name and a speaker is used for the announcement.

Main parts of this project are :

1. Power Supply
The power supply section is the section which provide +5V for the transmitter section to work. IC LM7805 is used for providing a constant power of +5V.

2. Encoder
This section contains the identity of the transmitter. An encoder can be a device used to change a signal (such as a bit stream) or data into a code. The code serves any of a number of purposes such as compressing
information for transmission or storage, encrypting or adding redundancies to the input code etc.

3. RF Transmitter
This section transmits the binary data to space in a particular range based on the antenna used. This signal is received by the receiver and it compares the binary code to find the corresponding station name from
the database.

1.1.2. Receiver

1. Power Supply
The power supply section is the section which provide +5V for the transmitter section to work. IC LM7805 is used for providing a constant power of +5V.

2. Decoder
A decoder is a device which does the reverse of the encoder, undoing the encoding so that the original information can be retrieved.

3. Microcontroller
Unlike microprocessors, microcontrollers are generally optimized for specific applications. As a result the peripherals can be simplified and reduced which cuts down the production cost.

4. RF Receiver
The RF signal transmitted by the transmitter is detected and received by this section of the receiver. This binary encoder data is sent to the decoder for decoding the original data.

5. LCD
This is the output unit in the receiver section. The station name is displayed on this display unit when the receiver comes in the range of the transmitter.

6. Voice Alert
This is another output unit in the receiver. This gives the voice alert of the station reached based on the RF transmitter signal received.Voice recording ic APR9600 is used here.